Breaking news : UTMOST-2D finds its first FRB

Breaking news : UTMOST-2D makes its 25,000th pulsar observation

UTMOST is a project to continuously monitor Southern skies for pulsars, magnetars and Fast Radio Bursts using the Molonglo Radio Telescope.

We are a collaboration between the University of Sydney and Swinburne University of Technology. We are currently running a pulsar timing program doing around 70 pulsar measurements daily, and operating a Fast Radio Burst detection program simultaneously.

FRB210630A found at UTMOST

Our most recent FRB discovery at UTMOST — found by PhD student Ayushi Mandlik.
81 UTMOST-2D pulsars, timed with the newly upgraded North-South arm

We are currently upgrading to UTMOST-2D — bringing the North-South arm of the telescope back into operation, as part of a major program to find the host galaxies of Fast Radio Bursts — a major step forward in solving the puzzle of what they are and where they come from.

Time lapse of receiver installation — January 2021
Upgrade of the North-South arm — installation of 9 meter long receiver elements. October 2020.

All UTMOST Fast Radio Bursts

FRB210303A found at UTMOST

UTMOST in the press

A pulsar glitches after 30 years by Rami Mandow writing on spaceaustralia.com

Keeping an eye on the night sky for science by Nichole Overall writing in citynews.com.au

Team uses AI to detect Fast Radio Bursts by Katherine Moody on phys.org

Glitch detected in the pulsar PSR J0908−4913 by Tomasz Nowakowski writing in phys.org

Born-again Australian telescope solves mystery of intergalactic Fast Radio Bursts by Jessica Snir writing for cosmosmagazine.com

Swinburne uses artificial intelligence to detect FRBs in real time

The striking three peaked temporal structure — and banded frequency structure — of FRB181017, have been used by UTMOST PhD student Wael Farah to better understand the properties of the ionised gas lying in intergalactic space.

View along the 1.6 km long North-South arm — which is currently the focus of a major technology upgrade in order to find source galaxies of Fast Radio Bursts.

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