Swinburne Astronomy Productions

Realising Einstein's Universe

Realising Einsteins Universe

Realising Einstein's Universe. A journey into the universe Einstein envisaged almost 100 years ago. Today, modern supercomputers enable scientists to visualise the most wondrous astronomical objects, unlock their secrets and allow everyone to comprehend the natural beauty of Einstein's Universe.


Realising Einstein's Universe

Realising Einstein's Universe

Realising Einstein's Universe

Realising Einstein's Universe

Realising Einstein's Universe

Realising Einstein's Universe

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Production Credits

Title   Realising Einsteins Universe
Format   3D 1024×768
Duration   9 minutes
Producer   Andrew Jameson
Written and Directed by   Professor Matthew Bailes
Animation/Visual Design   Matthew Bailes, Evan Hallein
Visual Concept   Anita Kocsis
Key Scientists   Steve Foulkes, Dr. Carole Haswell, Dr. James Murray, The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey Team, 6dF Galaxy Survey Team, The WMAP Science Team, Dr. Chris Power, Dr. Chris Brook, Dr. Daisuke Kawata, Dr. Jeremy Balin,
Narration   Rod Mullinar
Sound Producer   Red Hat Films
Sound Recording   Soundworxs
SFX   Yongho Moon
Language(s)   English, Korean
Copyright   © Swinburne Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, 2009