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Plot a parametric function (generally a surface) defined by functions fx(u,v), fy(u,v) and fz(u,v) with transparency.


void s2funuva(float(*fx)(float*, float*), float(*fy)(float*, float*), float(*fz)(float*, float*), 
float(*fcol)(float*,float*), char trans, float(*falpha)(float*, float*),
float umin, float umax, int uDIV, float vmin, float vmax, int vDIV);


Plot the parametric function (generally a surface) defined by { (fx(u,v), fy(u,v), fz(u,v) }, coloured by fcol(u,v) with fcol required to fall in the range [0,1]. fcol is then mapped to the current colormap index range (set with s2scir). Transparency is applied to the surface with falpha(u,v), defining the opacity in the range [0,1]. The range of u and v values are specified by umin,umax and vmin, vmax, and the number of divisions by uDIV and vDIV.

For a constant opacity, implement falpha(u,v){return const_value;}.

See Also

s2scir Set the range of colour indices used for shading.
s2funuv Plot a parametric function.

Code Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "s2plot.h"

#define LIMIT 0.7
#define pi 3.14159265359

/* amplitude, number of twists, major radius, minor radius */
#define AMP 0.4         /* Amplitude */
#define NTW 1.5         /* Number of twists */
#define R1 2.0          /* Major radius */
#define R2 0.5          /* Minor radius */

/* Parametric functions for surface */
inline float tkx(float *u, float *v) {
  return R2 * cos(*v) * cos(*u) + R1 * cos(*u) * (1. + AMP * cos(*u * NTW));
inline float tky(float *u, float *v) {
  return R2 * sin(*v) + AMP * sin(*u * NTW);
inline float tkz(float *u, float *v) {
  return R2 * cos(*v) * sin(*u) + R1 * sin(*u) * (1. + AMP * cos(*u * NTW));
inline float fcol(float *u, float *v) {
  return 0.5 + sin(0.5 * *u) * AMP * sin(*v);
inline float falpha(float *u, float *v) {
   if ((*v) < pi) return 0.0;
   else return 1.0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   float x1 = -LIMIT, x2 = LIMIT;               /* x world coord range */
   float y1 = -LIMIT, y2 = LIMIT;               /* y world coord range */
   float z1 = -LIMIT, z2 = LIMIT;               /* z world coord range */
   char trans = 't';                            /* Transparency type */

   s2opend("/?",argc, argv);                    /* Open the display */
   s2swin(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2);              /* Set the window coordinates */

   s2icm("rainbow", 100, 500);                  /* Install colour map */
   s2scir(100, 500);                            /* Set colour range */

   s2funuva(tkx, tky, tkz, fcol, trans, falpha, 0., 4.*pi, 320, 0., 2.*pi, 90);
                                /* call the parametric surface function */

   s2show(1);                                   /* Open the s2plot window */

   return 1;


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