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Draw a set of points with a given symbol.


void s2pt(int np, float *xpts, float *ypts, float *zpts, int symbol);


Draw a set of npts points. Symbol value 1 produces a single pixel, independent of distance to the point. Symbols are drawn in the current colour. Markers taking finite size are scaled by the current character height. The current linewidth does not affect markers.

Argument symbol should be one of: 0 = wireframe box 1 = point 2 = wireframe 3D cross 4 = shaded sphere 6 = shaded box

See Also

s2pt1 Draw a single point with a given symbol.
s2pnts Draw a set of points with different markers.

PGPLOT Equivalent


Code Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "s2plot.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int i;					/* Loop variable */
   int N = 50;					/* Number of points */
   float x[50], y[50], z[50];			/* Coordinates of points */
   int symbol = 4;				/* Shaded sphere symbol */

   srand48((long)time(NULL));			/* Seed random numbers */
   for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
      x[i] = drand48()*2.0 - 1.0;
      y[i] = drand48()*2.0 - 1.0;
      z[i] = drand48()*2.0 - 1.0;

   s2opend("/?",argc, argv);			/* Open the display */
   s2swin(-1.,1., -1.,1., -1.,1.);		/* Set the window coordinates */
   s2box("BCDET",0,0,"BCDET",0,0,"BCDET",0,0);	/* Draw coordinate box */

   s2sch(2);					/* Sets size of symbol */
   s2pt(N,x,y,z,symbol);			/* Draw a single point */
   s2show(1);					/* Open the s2plot window */
   return 1;

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