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Set the camera position, up vector, view direction and camera rotate/focus point.


void ss2scaf(XYZ position, XYZ up, XYZ vdir, XYZ focus, int worldcoords);


Set the camera position, up vector, view direction AND focus (rotate-about) point, all in one shot. If worldcoords > 0 then caller has given world coordinates, otherwise viewport coordinates are used. It is up to the caller to ensure a self-consistent camera position is given (orthogonal vectors).

See Also

ss2sc Set the camera position, up vector and view direction.
ss2qc Query the camera position, up vector and view direction.
ss2sca Set the camera aperture.
ss2qca Query the camera aperture.
ss2scs Set the camera speed.
ss2qcs Query the camera speed.

Code Example

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