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Register function that will draw direct OpenGL graphics when called.


void cs2socb(void *oglfn);


Register function that will draw direct OpenGL graphics when called. This is a highly advanced capability of s2plot that is open to many potential pitfalls. Only experienced OpenGL programmers should attempt to use it! Use NULL argument to disable this callback. The coordinate system for drawing geometry in this function is the viewport one. The OpenGL callback must be of the form: void oglfn(void).

See Also

cs2scb Set the callback function; can be null to cancel callback.
cs2sncb Set the function to call when number-keys pressed.
cs2shcb Set the handle callback function for when a handle is (de)selected

Code Example

/* This function should only be used by experienced OpenGL programmers 
 * Example code is available in s2uc7.c in the sample directory 
 * distributed with S2PLOT */

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