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Frequently Asked Questions

S2PLOT is an advanced three-dimensional plotting library with support for standard and enhanced display devices. The S2PLOT library was written in C and can be used with C, C++ and FORTRAN programs on GNU/Linux and Apple/OSX systems. The S2PLOT architecture supports dynamic geometry and can be used to plot both static and time-evolving data sets.

Known Issues in S2PLOT V1.80

Occasionally, a subtle coding error slips through into a software release. As we become aware of these minor defects, we will list them here - and hopefully find a solution for them in future S2PLOT releases.

If you notice some odd behaviour, please check to see if it is this list. If not, don't keep it to yourself - please let us know about it!

  • Dynamic geometry created within a callback might not be saved when pressing F5 or F6
  • Textured geometry created might not be saved correctly when pressing F5 or F6
  • Isosurfaces might not be saved correctly when pressing F5 or F6
  • Isosurfaces for offset transformations (ie. when the x,y,z axes bounds are not equal) has a known bug. Temporary solution is to shift your data to be centred on the coordinate origin.
  • Support for transparency is not complete, as objects are not always drawn in the correct order
  • In fisheye projection mode, annotations such as plot title and the colour wedge are not drawn correctly
  • Certain combinations of window size and character height lead to overlapping axis labels
  • It is possible to set a camera position and view direction which are inconsistent with the focus point. Behaviour can be unexpected when entering interactive mode, including camera jumps
  • Camera turns around when it passes through the coordinate centre using '+' or '-' keys.
  • Occasionally surface rendering (e.g. with s2funuv) is not smooth
  • The save large image size mode (F9) is buggy and unreliable

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