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Draw a thick coloured line.


void ns2thcline(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, 
                float red1, float green1, 
                float blue1, float red2, float green2, float blue2,float width);


Draw a thick coloured line, with colour blended between the two given colours along the line, and given width.

See Also

ns2vthcline Draw a thick coloured line - vector input.
ns2line Draw a line from one point to another in a specific colour.
ns2vline Draw a line from one point to another in a specific colour - vector input.
ns2thline Draw a thick line from one point to another in a specific colour.
ns2vthline Draw a thick line from one point to another in a specific colour - vector input.
ns2cline Draw a coloured line, with colour blended between the two given colours along the line.
ns2vcline Draw a coloured line, with colour blended between the two given colours along the line - vector input.

Code Example

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