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Draw a curve defined by parametric equations fx(t), fy(t) and fz(t).


void s2funt(float(*fx)(float*), float(*fy)(float*), float(*fz)(float*), int N, float tmin, float tmax);


Draw a curve defined by parametric equations fx(t), fy(t) and fz(t). N points are constructed, uniformly spaced from tmin to tmax.

See Also

s2funtc Draw a curve defined by parametric equations fx(t), fy(t) and fz(t) with colour control.

PGPLOT Equivalent


Code Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "s2plot.h"

#define XLIMIT 10.0
#define YLIMIT 10.0
#define ZLIMIT 50.0
#define TWOPI 6.2831853

float fx(float *t)
  return XLIMIT * sin(*t);

inline float fy(float *t)
  return YLIMIT * *t / TWOPI * cos(*t);

float fz(float *t)
  return 20. + (ZLIMIT * *t / TWOPI + 4.*sin(5* *t)*sin(3* *t))*0.5;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   float x1 = -XLIMIT, x2 = XLIMIT;             /* x world coord range */
   float y1 = -YLIMIT, y2 = YLIMIT;             /* y world coord range */
   float z1 = -ZLIMIT/4.0, z2 = ZLIMIT;         /* z world coord range */

   s2opend("/?",argc,argv);                     /* Open the display */
   s2swin(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2);                   /* Set the window coordinates */
   s2box("BCDET",0,0,"BCDET",0,0,"BCDET",0,0);  /* Draw coordinate box */

   s2slw(3);                                    /* Set the line width */
   s2funt(fx, fy, fz, 1000, -TWOPI, TWOPI);     /* Draw parametric line */
   s2show(1);					/* Open the s2plot window */
   return 1;

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