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Revision as of 01:07, 30 October 2007
S2plot admin (Talk | contribs)

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S2plot admin (Talk | contribs)

Line 45: Line 45:
volume = (float ***)malloc(nx * sizeof(float **)); volume = (float ***)malloc(nx * sizeof(float **));
if (volume == NULL) { if (volume == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",nx*sizeof(float **));+ fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",(long)(nx*sizeof(float **)));
exit(-1); exit(-1);
} }
Line 51: Line 51:
volume[i] = (float **)malloc(ny * sizeof(float *)); volume[i] = (float **)malloc(ny * sizeof(float *));
if (volume[i] == NULL) { if (volume[i] == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",nx*sizeof(float *));+ fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",(long)(nx*sizeof(float *)));
exit(-1); exit(-1);
} }
Line 57: Line 57:
volume[i][j] = (float *)malloc(nz * sizeof(float)); volume[i][j] = (float *)malloc(nz * sizeof(float));
if (volume[i][j] == NULL) { if (volume[i][j] == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",nx*sizeof(float));+ fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",(long)(nx*sizeof(float)));
exit(-1); exit(-1);
} }
Line 142: Line 142:
/* Create the volume render object */ /* Create the volume render object */
- s2scb(cb); /* Install a dynamic callback */+ cs2scb(cb); /* Install a dynamic callback */
fprintf(stderr,"Press <space> to toggle showing data points\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Press <space> to toggle showing data points\n");

Current revision


Draw a volume render object from a dynamic callback


void ds2dvr(int vrid, int force);


Draw a volume rendering object (dynamic only). Set force to true to make the textures reload, e.g. if you have changed the values of the grid elements.

See Also

ns2cvr Create a volume rendering object
ns2cisc Create an isosurface object with a colour function
cs2scb Set the callback function; can be null to cancel callback.
s2icm Install various colour maps.

Code Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "s2plot.h"

/* Global variables */
int vid;				/* ID for volume render object */
float tr[12];				/* Transformation matrix */
float ***volume;			/* The data cube */
int N = 5000;				/* Number of data points */
float *x, *y, *z;			/* Arrays for data values */

float ***initVolume(int nx, int ny, int nz)
/* Allocate memory and initialise a data cube */
   float ***volume;
   int i, j, k;

   volume = (float ***)malloc(nx * sizeof(float **));
   if (volume == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",(long)(nx*sizeof(float **)));
   for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
      volume[i] = (float **)malloc(ny * sizeof(float *));
      if (volume[i] == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",(long)(nx*sizeof(float *)));
      for (j=0;j<ny;j++) {
         volume[i][j] = (float *)malloc(nz * sizeof(float));
         if (volume[i][j] == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",(long)(nx*sizeof(float)));
         for (k=0;k<nz;k++) {
            volume[i][j][k] = 0.0;		/* Initialise */

   return volume;

void cb(double *t, int *kc)
/* A dynamic callback */
   ds2dvr(vid, 1);			/* Draw the volume render object */
   if ((*kc % 2) == 1)
      s2pt(N, x, y, z, 1);		/* Plot the points on <space> press */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int i; 					/* Loop variable */
   int nx = 32, ny = 32, nz = 32;		/* Dimensions of data cube */ 
   float dmin, dmax, amin, amax;		/* Min/max values */
   char trans;					/* Transparency mode */
   float x1 = -1.0, x2 = +1.0;			/* Data range along axes */
   float y1 = -1.0, y2 = +1.0;
   float z1 = -1.0, z2 = +1.0;
   int vi, vj, vk;				/* Temporary variables */
   float dx, dy, dz;				/* Temporary variables */
   COLOUR amb = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8};		/* Ambient light */

   srand48((long)time(NULL));			/* Seed random numbers */

   volume = initVolume(nx, ny, nz); 		/* Allocate memory */  

   for (i=0;i<12;i++) {				/* Set-up transfrom matrix */
      tr[i] = 0.0;
   tr[ 0]  = x1; 				/* Mapping from data cube */
   tr[ 1]  = (x2-x1)/(float)(nx-1.0);		/* to physical coordinates */
   tr[ 4]  = y1; 
   tr[ 6]  = (y2-y1)/(float)(ny-1.0);
   tr[ 8]  = z1; 
   tr[11]  = (z2-z1)/(float)(nz-1.0);

   dmin = 0.0;			/* Mininum data value in volume to plot */
   dmax = 2.0;			/* Maximum data value in volume to plot */
   amin = 0.0;			/* Minimum alpha channel value */
   amax = 0.8;			/* Maximum alpha channel value */
   trans = 't';			/* Transparency type */

   dx = tr[1]*0.5;		/* Offsets for window - voxels are pixel */
   dy = tr[6]*0.5;		/*  centred */
   dz = tr[11]*0.5;

   s2opend("/S2MONO",argc,argv);			/* Open the display */
   s2swin(x1-dx,x2+dx, y1-dy,y2+dy, z1-dz,z2+dz);	/* Set window coords */
   s2box("BCDE",0,0,"BCDE",0,0,"BCDE",0,0);		/* Draw coord box */

   x = (float *)calloc(N, sizeof(float));
   y = (float *)calloc(N, sizeof(float));
   z = (float *)calloc(N, sizeof(float));

   for (i=0;i<N;i++) {			/* Create N random (x,y,z) values */
      vi = (int)(drand48()*(nx));
      vj = (int)(drand48()*(ny));
      vk = (int)(drand48()*(nz));
      x[i] = vi *  tr[1] + tr[0];
      y[i] = vj *  tr[6] + tr[4];
      z[i] = vk * tr[11] + tr[8];

					/* Give a value to volume */
   s2scir(1000,2000);			/* Set colour range */
   s2icm("mgreen",1000,2000);		/* Install colour map */
   vid = ns2cvr(volume, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx-1, 0, ny-1, 0, nz-1, 
		tr, trans, dmin, dmax, amin, amax);
					/* Create the volume render object */

   cs2scb(cb);				/* Install a dynamic callback */

   fprintf(stderr,"Press <space> to toggle showing data points\n");

   ss2srm(SHADE_FLAT);			/* Set shading type to FLAT */
   ss2sl(amb, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);	/* Ambient lighting only */

   s2show(1);				/* Open the s2plot window */

   return 1;

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