SAO Graduation Ceremony, October 2007

On Wednesday 17 October, SAO proudly graduated another 6 Graduate Certificate of Science students, 9 Graduate Diploma of Science students, and 8 Master of Science students. Two graduates attended in person - they were Elizabeth Winters and Nancy Torry. Dr Chris Fluke (HET607 instructor) also attended the ceremony on behalf of SAO staff. Prior to the ceremony Prof Matthew Bailes took Elizabeth, Nancy, family and friends on a tour of the Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing, followed by lunch.

For photos of the graduates, see the SAO alumni photo gallery.

Graduating students from October 2007

Graduate Certificate of Science (Astronomy)

    Elizabeth Winters
    Catherine Gegg
    Todd Miller
    Geoffrey Pedler
    Scott Crowley
    Nancy Torry

Graduate Diploma of Science (Astronomy)

    Janet Bosch
    Peter Pleunik
    Christopher Short
    Benjamin Briar Richard
    Shaun Saunders
    Fernando Lopez Blanco
    Weber Philip
    Karen McTackett
    Ching-Ching Hua
Master of Science (Astronomy)
    David Stampf
    Scott Pennington
    Francisco Torrubiano
    Kerry Williams
    Alfredo Viegas
    Roberto Bartali
    Donn Starkey
    Timothy Jensen

The SAO Alumni website has been updated to reflect these 23 new SAO alumni at: