Meet the Instructor

We continue our series of Meet the Instructors. This edition we meet Dr Paddy McGee from University of Adelaide will be instructing HET614 Introduction to Particle Physics and High Energy Astrophysics in Semester 2 of 2008. Paddy says:

"My PhD was in optical astronomy, using a 14" telescope with a CCD camera at Woomera to monitor objects which are also sources of high-energy radiation. This ranged from the first optical photometry on three newly-discovered cataclysmic variable stars, to collaborative monitoring with gamma-ray telescopes. An interest in 3D graphics led to work in scientific visualisation. Apart from just viewing data, this also involves such things as stereo video and developing stereo animations for public outreach. More recently, this job has diverted slightly to include website development and maintenance, as well as user support for software-based videoconference tools.

I'm still involved with teaching astronomy at the University of Adelaide (and online at Swinburne!), and manage to undertake research in optical astronomy on campus in my spare time. More recently, this research has concentrated on exoplanet host star photometry, but I'm revisiting my old Woomera targets as well.

Playing keyboards in two bands, recording and producing concert CD's, a wife, and two Siamese cats also conspire to keep me busy. For a wildly out-of-date website, see and here are a few choice papers."