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Potential PhD Topics

PhD Supervisors

Below are listed those CAS staff who may be currently looking for PhD students.

PhD Projects

Prof. Matthew Bailes

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Chris Blake

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Jean Brodie

  • No projects offered at this time

A.Prof. Michelle Cluver

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Jeff Cooke

Prof. Darren Croton

  • No projects offered at this time

Dr. Rebecca Davies

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Adam Deller

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Alan Duffy

  • No projects offered at this time

A.Prof. Deanne Fisher

  • No projects offered at this time

Dr. Chris Flynn

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Christropher Fluke

Prof. Duncan Forbes

Prof. Karl Glazebrook

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Alister Graham

Prof. Jarrod Hurley

  • No projects offered at this time

A.Prof. Glenn Kacprzak

Prof. Virginia Kilborn

  • No projects offered at this time

A.Prof. Ivo Labbe

  • No projects offered at this time

Dr. Ben McAllister

Dr. Anais Möller

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Jeremy Mould

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Michael Murphy

Dr. Themiya Nanayakkara

  • No projects offered at this time

Dr. Jade Powell

  • No projects offered at this time

Dr Daniel Reardon

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Emma Ryan-Weber

  • No projects offered at this time

Prof. Ryan Shannon

  • No projects offered at this time

Dr. Simon Stevenson

  • No projects available at this time

A.Prof. Edward N. Taylor

  • No projects offered at this time

Dr. Sara Webb

Project Descriptions

Observing the most extreme explosions and distant galaxy interactions to test fundamental theories

Supervisors: Prof. Jeff Cooke

Two of the most extreme explosions in the Universe are superluminous supernovae and gamma-ray bursts. These events are so luminous that they can be detected across the Universe and all the way back to a time when the first generation of stars formed shortly after the Big Bang. We currently do not know what types of stars create these events, their mass, nor the mechanisms behind their extreme explosion energies. On a separate topic, we all learn that giant molecular clouds of gas and dust collapse to form stars. The timescale in which they collapse is core to our understanding of the formation of stars and galaxies and the evolution of the Universe, yet the timescale of their collapse has never been directly observed.

This project aims to provide the first direct observations to answer the above long-standing questions. The student will use existing, and acquire new, Hubble Space Telescope, James Webb Space Telescope, and Keck observations and apply an innovative method analysing interacting host galaxies to make the first direct measurements of the time it takes for gas clouds to collapse to form stars, and the lifetimes (and, thus, mass) of the specific stars that die as superluminous supernovae or gamma-ray bursts. The spectroscopy gathered in this project will be essential for theoretical models to understand the explosion mechanisms behind superluminous supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.


The Deeper, Wider, Faster program: Discovering the fastest bursts in the Universe

Supervisors: Prof. Jeff Cooke

The Swinburne-led Deeper, Wider, Faster (DWF) program is the first all-wavelength program designed to detect and rapidly follow up the fastest transients in the Universe, such fast radio bursts, supernova shock breakouts, all types of gamma-ray bursts, kilonovae, flare stars, and many other events, including the discovery of unknown classes. DWF is the world's largest collaboration of telescopes, with over 90 major observatories on every continent and in space. DWF coordinates wide-field radio through gamma-ray telescopes, such as Parkes, ASKAP (radio), the South Pole Telescope (mm), CTIO DECam (optical), Astrosat (UV), HXMT (X-ray), and NASA Swift, HESS (gamma-ray), to observe the same fields at the same time. The data are processed in real time either at the telescopes or using the Swinburne supercomputer and transients are identified within minutes of their outbursts in our Swinburne Mission Control room. Fast identification of the transients enables rapid-response spectroscopic and imaging follow up observations before the events fade using the world’s largest telescopes, such as Keck, the VLT, Gemini-South, SALT, the AAT (optical) and ATCA (radio), and NASA Swift (high-energy). Finally, our network of 1-2 metre-class telescopes located worldwide provide simultaneous and/or follow-up imaging and spectroscopy to monitor the events.

The student will participate in the DWF coordinated observing runs and help analyse the data to produce leading transient science. Depending on the interests and experience of the student, the project will involve (1) developing techniques to search the deep optical data to investigate known fast transients and potentially discover new classes of transients, (2) cross-matching multi-wavelength data to extend our knowledge of fast transients and the behavior of new event types, (3) progressing real-time fast transient identification and predictive capabilities using machine and deep learning techniques, and (4) enhancing and accelerating transient discovery by progressing data visualisation and data sonification techniques, including virtual reality and augmented reality analyses.


Supervisors: Prof. Christopher Fluke and Dr. Sara Webb

Improving Space Domain Awareness with Astronomy-inspired solutions

At start of your PhD, there will be approximately 10,000 active or operating satellites orbiting the Earth. By the end of your PhD, that number will be approaching 50,000.

There is an urgent need for improved Space Domain Awareness (SDA), including the detection, characterisation, and simulation of increasingly complex, real-time orbital scenarios. The risk of doing nothing is a catastrophic loss of critical orbital zones for communication, navigation, and Earth climate monitoring due to a runaway destructive cascade that could start with a single satellite-satellite collision. There is substantial untapped potential for astronomers to contribute data and knowledge to international SDA efforts. In this PhD project, you will identify, research, develop, implement, and evaluate novel astronomy-inspired approaches to SDA. You can expect to use concepts and solutions from artificial intelligence, machine learning, human-machine teaming, and advanced immersive and collaborative data visualisation.

Image caption: The ACTIVE-SDA Concept of Operations using the 80 Megapixel Swinburne Discovery Wall (Credit C.Fluke)


Ultra diffuse galaxies: galaxies at the extremes

Supervisors: Prof. Duncan Forbes

In 2015 a new class of galaxy was discovered - the ghostly Ultra Diffuse Galaxy (UDG). Such galaxies have the same total luminosity as a dwarf galaxy but some reveal a halo of dark matter similar to that of a giant galaxy making them 99% dark matter! Since their discovery they remain a mystery and a challenge to theories of galaxy formation. This PhD project aims to discover more UDGs from deep imaging, determine their stellar population and dynamical properties, and compare them with the latest theoretical models. This project is an observational one, using new data from the world's largest telescopes (Keck and the VLTs) and involving colleagues in California.

Image caption: Ultra Diffuse Galaxies have the same total luminosity as a dwarf galaxy but the same total mass as a giant galaxy. Some UDGs are 99% composed of dark matter and we don't know why! (Credit: Schoening/Harvey/van Dokkum/NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.


The missing population of intermediate mass black holes

Artists's impression of a black hole. Credit: Gabriel Perez Diaz.

Supervisor: Prof. Alister Graham

There is a largely-missing population of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) with masses higher than that formed by single stars today (Mbh=1.4 to 120 MSun) and less massive than the supermassive black holes (SMBHs: 105—1010 MSun) known to reside at the centres of big galaxies.  Not surprisingly, astronomers around the world are hotly pursuing the much-anticipated discovery of IMBHs.  This thesis will involve several interconnected projects involving telescope and satellite image analysis and statistical techniques.  Improved methods for estimating both IMBH and SMBH masses will be developed and applied, with ties to the upcoming Large Synoptic Survey Telescope expected.  The coexistence of these massive black holes in dense, compact star clusters at the centres of galaxies is also expected to be a source gravitational radiation detectable by the planned eLISA satellite, for which updated predictions will be made.

Students will benefit from membership in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery, OzGrav.


Galaxy Structure and massive black holes

Supervisors: Prof. Alister Graham

This project will explore how stars are distributed in galaxy images obtained from both ground-based telescopes and satellites such as Hubble and Spitzer. The structure of galaxies reveals much about how they formed, how they are connected with one another and also with the massive black holes that reside in their cores. This knowledge will be used to pursue a number of exciting topics at the forefront of astronomy. A feeling for the type of research done with Prof. Graham can be seen in his Press Releases.

Image: Artistic impression of a black hole featured on the cover of Swinburne University's 2019 annual report. Credit: James Josephides and Alister Graham.


Understanding gas flows in and around galaxies

Supervisors: A.Prof. Glenn Kacprzak and Prof. Michael Murphy

Ever wonder why some galaxies form stars while others do not? Or where does all the fuel for star-formation come from and what regulates it? The evolution of galaxies is intimately tied to their gas cycles - the gas accretion, star formation, stellar death and gas expulsion. As galaxies evolve, their gas cycles (known as feedback), give rise to an extended gaseous halo surrounding galaxies. Understanding how feedback works has become recognized as THE critical unknown process missing to fully understand galaxy evolution. Therefore, gaseous galaxy halos are the key astrophysical laboratories harbouring the detailed physics of how galactic feedback governs galaxy evolution. Observationally, galaxy halos are studied with great sensitivity using quasar absorption lines. Imprinted on the quasar spectrum are the motions, chemical content, density, and temperature of the gas. These absorption signatures provide details that are unobtainable using any other method of observation. Here, the student will join an international collaboration and will examine how the host galaxy properties are linked to their circumgalactic gas properties using Hubble Space Telescope and Keck Telescope data.

Image Caption: Cool gas (green) from cosmic filaments accretes onto the galaxy, which drives its rotation and controls the rate at which it forms stars. Star formation and supernovae expel gas back into the circumgalatic medium (purple). Background quasars are used to study these gas flows around galaxies.


Axion Dark Matter Detection

Supervisors: Dr. Ben McAllister

The nature of dark matter is one of the biggest mysteries in modern science – it makes up five sixths of the matter in the Universe, and is of unknown composition. It surrounds and passes through the Earth at all times.

Axions are a hypothetical particle, and one of the leading candidates for dark matter. Swinburne is building a new axion detector to try and measure small effects induced by dark matter when it passes through the laboratory, and shed light on the mystery. The kind of experiment we are building is called an axion haloscope.

The detector is currently being constructed and will be hosted at Swinburne. There is work to be done on various aspects of the project, from optimal detector design, to manufacturing and characterisation, to advanced readout technology, to control software and data analysis.

This project could focus on any of these areas, tailored to fit the skills and interests of the candidate. There is room for multiple students, and you will be working in a small team with other researchers. For example, this project could include aspects of mechanical and RF design, material science, computational modelling, software to control the detector and associated equipment, or on a pipeline to acquire and tease through experimental data for hints of new physics.


Do the fundamental constants of nature actually vary?

Supervisors: Prof. Michael Murphy

The fundamental constants characterise the strength of nature's forces. Their constancy has been tested in laboratories to extraordinary precision, and they have been mapped across the universe. But new theories, that go beyond the standard model of particle physics, suggest these "constants" may vary where dark matter is highly concentrated, like the centres of galaxies, including our own. This PhD project will be part of an ongoing effort to map the fine-structure constant – alpha, the strength of electromagnetism – closer to our Milky Way's Centre. To measure alpha, we carefully compare spectra of stars near the Centre, about 23,000 light-years away, with very similar stars in our local region. We are currently observing these stars with the Keck Observatory (Hawai`i), of which Swinburne is a partner, and are proposing to do the same with the Very Large Telescope (Chile). Depending on the interests of the student, there can be observational or theoretical avenues to explore in this PhD project: the student may participate in the astronomical observations, data analysis and measurement of alpha, or they could work on advanced quantum mechanical calculations to determine how the spectra of stars depend on fundamental constants. These and other options will be discussed with the candidate. Further reading: Murphy et al. (2022, Science, 378, 634)
