Science Highlights
Media Releases
Subaru detects an astonishing 60,000 parsec long jet of ionised hydrogen gas emanating from the core of the Coma cluster galaxy D100. (Science article: Yagi et al. 2007)
The Japanese Subaru telescope does it again, with an astounding discovery of "fireballs": knotted thread-like filaments of star formation ejected from the Coma cluster galaxy RB 199. (Astrophysical Journal article: Yoshida et al. 2008) [astro-ph]
Radio Programs/Interviews
Five 2 minute (and 2.4Mb each) StarDate Radio broadcasts from 2008 provide a simple overview of the Coma Cluster and the associated Hubble Space Telescope Treasury Program.
(Monday, May 05 | Tuesday, May 06 | Wednesday, May 07 | Thursday, May 08 | Friday, May 09)
StarDate is a production of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory (see Support for Program number HST-EO-10861.35-A was provided by NASA through a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Incorporated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555.