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Draw a planet with texture id.


void ns2vplanetx(XYZ iP, float ir, COLOUR icol, unsigned int itextureid, 
                 float texture_phase, XYZ axis, float rotation);


Draw a planet, which is a textured sphere whose texture can be "slid" around the planet, and the planet then rotated about an arbitrary axis. Texture phase is in the range [0..1], while rotation angle is in degrees.

See Also

ns2vplanettDraw a planet - vector input.
ns2vsphere Draw a sphere, with a given centre, radius and colour - vector input.
ns2spheretDraw a textured sphere, with given centre, radius, colour and texture filename
ns2vspheretDraw a textured sphere, with given centre, radius, colour and texture filename - vector input.
ns2spherexDraw a textured sphere, with given centre, radius, colour and texture ID
ns2vspherexDraw a textured sphere, with given centre, radius, colour and texture ID - vector input.
ns2sphereDraw a sphere.

Code Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "s2plot.h"

void cb(double *t, int *kc)
   float radius = 0.5;                          /* Radius of planet */
   XYZ xyz = { -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };                /* Location of planet */

   COLOUR colour = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };           /* Yellow */
   static int tid = -1;                         /* Texture id */
   if (tid < 0) {                               /* First time through? */
      tid = ss2lt("firetile2_pow2_rgb.tga");    /* Load texture for re-use */

   static float phase = 30.0;                   /* Set the texture phase */
   XYZ axis = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };                /* Set the rotation axis */
   static float rotation = 0.0;                 /* Set the rotation value */

   ns2vplanetx(xyz, radius, colour, tid, phase, axis, rotation);
                                                /* Draw the "planet" */

   xyz.x = 0.0;                                 /* Shift centre */
   axis.x = 0.0; axis.y = 1.0; axis.z = 0.0;    /* New rotation axis */
   ns2vplanetx(xyz, radius, colour, tid, phase, axis, rotation);
                                                /* Draw the "planet" */

   xyz.x = 1.0;                                 /* Shift centre */
   axis.x = 1.0; axis.y = 0.0; axis.z = 0.0;    /* New rotation axis */
   ns2vplanetx(xyz, radius, colour, tid, phase, axis, rotation);
                                                /* Draw the "planet" */

   rotation += 1.0;                             /* Update rotation in degrees */
   if (rotation > 360.0) rotation = 0.0;        /* Full circle? Reset */


int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   s2opend("/?",argc, argv);                    /* Open the display */
   s2swin(-1.,1., -1.,1., -1.,1.);              /* Set the window coordinates */

   ss2ssr(32);                                  /* Set the sphere resolution */
   cs2scb(cb);                                  /* Install dynamic callback */

   s2show(1);                                   /* Open the s2plot window */

   return 1;

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