Project 63: Solar System Dynamics
Ok, so now you want to know how to actually run the planetary dynamics simulations. Let me first just remind you of the three main aspects of this project:
You should be ok to get through the first two parts of the project by yourselves (though I can of course help out if you need it). I imagine that the third part, however, will be new to most of you. Let's have a look at the simulations, the timestepping and numerical instabilities in a bit of detail. You may also find this PowerPoint presentation (1.5M) on Numerical Simulations (from the Tools of Modern Astronomy unit) helpful.
For details of how to actually use the simulator and run your planetary
dynamics jobs, see the How To page.
The most difficult part for you will be knowing what values to enter for the various time paramters, including the integration timestep and output timestep parameters. The integration timestep is related to the numberical stability of your simulations so needs to be chosen carefully. You will understand its importance once you go through the equations of motion that govern planetary dyanmics. If you need help with this, just ask. The simulator won't allow you to run really long jobs and in fact only allows you to have a maximum of 2000 datapoints in time. This mean that your total time, Tint, divided by the output time, dtout, must not exceed 2000. And you don't want your data to be too 'course' either (which means that you don't record your output often enough). So you might have to do some restart ('continue from pervious simulation'). The best way to understand what all this means is by experimenting with the various time paramters and see what happens. Now you should be ready to run your own experiments. Good luck!
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