Max was born on 21 May 2005 at 7.58 am via an emergency caesarian after a 28 hour labour.
He had respiratory distress due to meconium aspiration (which basically means he breathed
in some of his poo and did some rather serious lung damage in the process). He was rushed
off to special care while Sarah was getting stitched up and stayed in the special care
nursary for 12 days. He was in an isolete (humidicrib) for the first 7 days, had oxygen,
an IV drip, anibiotics, phototherapy for mild jaundice, and loads of monitors (heart rate,
breathing rate, oxygen saturation). He didn't eat for the first 3 days (breathing was
hard enough work for him) and was then fed by a tube through the nose. From day six he
was breast fed and tube fed expressed breast milk. He also had a load of tests - chest
xrays, a zillion blood tests, a brain scan, heart ultrasound and ECG. The main problems
were meconium in the lungs and a rapid respiratory rate. Due to his breathing problems,
he used his secondary muscles while breathing, which meant his chest and ribs heaved a
lot with each breath. He was not released from special care until his oxygen saturation
remained above 90% and his respiratory rate dropped to below 70.