Foresight Project

Astronomy and Astrophysics Sector Strategy

Submitted to the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology

31st October 1998

Executive Summary 2
Introduction 3
The significance and status of astronomy and astrophysics research in New Zealand in 2010 4
Major priorities, directions and outcomes that made our 2010 position possible 6
New and improved competencies that enabled astronomy and astrophysics to reach these outcomes 13
The investments needed to achieve these outcomes 15
Conclusions 16
Appendix A: New Zealand Astronomy and Astrophysics Sector 17
Appendix B1: Instruments in use and under construction 18
Appendix B2: Detailed Summaries of Research 19
Appendix C: Comparison with International directions 22
Appendix D: Acronym List 24
Appendix E: WWW links 25
References 25

New Zealand Astronomy and Astrophysics in the first decade of the new millennium

Executive Summary

New Zealand has a remarkable record in astronomy and astrophysics research given its small population base and limited research resources. However, compared to similar population-sized OECD countries, the New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics research budget and number of researchers are, at best , a factor of 3 lower than OECD averages. There is a need for enhanced investment in the sector to ensure a continuation of this record.

Astronomy and astrophysics offers much to New Zealand as we enter the 21st century. The sector is involved in fundamental research, science training, technical innovation, knowledge transfer and is a vital tool in improving the public perception of science and technology. In addition, this sector offers an opportunity to impact on the careers of our future scientists, a vital component in leading economies, by making use of the high profile astronomical activities of other countries and, for modest investment, linking them to the New Zealand situation.

The astronomy and astrophysics community have combined to produce this sector strategy. Improved competencies in our sector along with recommendations for Industry and Government involvement are suggested. The main recommendations are:

This document and cover page are available on the World Wide Web (WWW) at:



See Appendix E for a summary of other related WWW links.


New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics research is currently faced with exciting new opportunities, both locally and internationally, that can build upon the existing research and knowledge base and, importantly, expand into new areas of astrophysically important research. These new areas also combine possibilities of advancing existing, and promoting new, technologies in optical system design and fabrication.

Historically, astronomy and astrophysics has played an important role in driving improvements and promoting the use of new technology instrumentation, imaging systems, detectors, computing systems, information and data retrieval and transfer. A robust and healthy astronomy and astrophysics sector has important flow-on effects to private industry and to New Zealand education at all levels. New Zealand has an excellent record in the training of astronomers and many New Zealand astronomers have successful careers at observatories, institutions and universities around the world. Astronomy and astrophysics research deals with the "Big Questions", including the search for extra-terrestrial life and Earth-like planets, understanding stellar and galaxy evolution and discovering the origins and predicting the future of the Universe. These are questions that the public finds the most interesting and valid for research.

A light curve of a star near the Galactic centre showing the dramatic brightening and fading over a 50 day period due to "microlensing" by the passage of a "dark" object between us and the star. This event was named MACHO Alert 95-30 (Alcock et al. 1997) and the New Zealand Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) project contributed vital data to this "dark matter" study.

The Best Newspaper Feature awarded at the 1998 Qantas Media Awards entitled "Seeking the Strong and Silent Type" (Cassie 1997) described the ongoing New Zealand based MOA project that is attempting to determine the origin of Dark Matter, one of astronomy's greatest puzzles. Such research is also acceptable to the general public since it is "non-destructive" or "non-invasive". Astronomy and astrophysics also has strong links with other sciences and humanities such as philosophy and history. A recently produced video, "Ko Tipu te Ao" from Carter Observatory that describes the origin of the Universe from a Maori perspective, highlights this strong link.

The advent and spread of the WWW has also given astronomy and astrophysics, possibly the most publically "marketable" and "understandable" science, a powerful tool in the promotion and communication of science and technology to the general public and in education. The earthly explorers of yesterday, such as Magellan, Cook, Admundsen and Hillary that captured the imagination of all, have now been joined by earthbound astronomers exploring the cosmos using telescopes like the Australia Telescope Compact Array, Keck I and II, Hubble Space Telescope and COBE and machines such as the Pioneer and Voyager space probes and the Mars Pathfinder. The popularity of WWW sites such as those hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute (showing Hubble Space Telescope images) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (that showed live-time Mars Pathfinder images) reflect the public's fascination.

Whilst tools now exist to better promote the level of understanding of science to the public, recent studies indicate that although the public has an intense interest in science, they do not have a firm grasp of the concepts, benefits and results of such research. A 1998 report by the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (MoRST) ("Research for developing a public information campaign" 1998) was undertaken to determine the attitudes to science and technology of the general public. The key findings of this report included 1) that many people could not articulate what it is that science and technology contributes to New Zealand, 2) the public were unable to identify tangible examples of people putting science and technology to work in the world around them, and 3) a poor image of science in the public mind had contributed to science's lack of appeal as a career option.

A similar survey ("Science and Technology Interest, Understanding and Attitudes in the New Zealand Community" 1998) targeted school-leavers, and parents and teachers of children 9-11 years old. The key findings of this report include 1) a high level of public interest in science and technology exists (New Zealanders showed the highest levels of interest compared with 13 other OECD countries), although only one in ten respondents view themselves as sufficiently informed to effectively participate in scientific and technological debates, and 2) somewhat disturbingly, 6th and 7th form students scored better than primary school teachers in their knowledge of science vocabulary. The results of these surveys should send a message of concern to all. Clearly, simple, effective communication of the results and benefits of science and technology to the general public is needed. We believe astronomy and astrophysics can carry this message most effectively.

The New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics sector (see Appendix A) has combined to produce this Foresight Project strategy that outlines its preferred position in the year 2010. This sector strategy concentrates on professional astronomy and astrophysics research, but includes recommendations on public outreach, education and industry opportunities and science and technology promotion. A brief report on the knowledge base of New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics (Orchiston 1997) has already been published by MoRST, which can be contrasted and compared with the reviews and predictions of Cottrell (1991, 1994).

The significance and status of astronomy and astrophysics research in New Zealand in 2010.

In 2010, New Zealand has become a highly productive astronomy and astrophysics research nation. New Zealand astronomers have had access to the Southern African Large Telescope after becoming a founding member of the consortium in 2000. A narrow window of opportunity existed for New Zealand to join SALT in the 1998-1999 time period and this was exploited. This new venture has enabled new research areas to be explored by New Zealand astronomers and fostered international collaborations. New Zealand joined the SALT project by building a High Resolution Spectrograph, one of three primary instruments for the telescope.

Mount John University Observatory has continued to build on its geographical strengths and provide key observational support for its international collaborations which require longitude coverage. Its observations of the Magellanic Clouds continue to provide unique year- round data on key objects in these external galaxies. The facilities at MJUO are focussed on small- to medium-sized telescopes, with high throughput spectrographs and state-of-the-art detectors. There is also a telescope dedicated to gamma ray burst alerts and microlensing alerts, particularly in the Magellanic Clouds, for which MJUO's latitude provides a significant advantage over other observatories.

The Hercules spectrograph for high resolution stellar spectroscopy was installed at MJUO in 2001 and is currently one of the most powerful instruments in the world. It uses CCD detectors to record faint spectral images and these detectors have been upgraded every few years to keep pace with rapidly changing technology in digital image recording.
Two spectra of a highly variable star, known as V854 Centauri, showing changes in the spectral lines of sodium in the yellow part of the electromagnetic spectrum. These two spectra are separated in time by several weeks and were obtained using the echelle spectrograph on the 1m telescope at MJUO.

An expansion in research institutions and departments since the late 1990s has meant that New Zealand has now reached a broad-based research level. This research achievement has been due to a successful and improved partnership between government, private industry and the astronomy and astrophysics sector over the last decade.

As well, the successful flow-on of information and research results available to the general public and schools has been achieved by research departments and institutes actively disseminating their findings via the WWW. This information flow-on has produced a society in the year 2010 that is one of the best informed about astronomical and general sciences, the utilisation and promotion of new technologies, and their contributions to the New Zealand and international knowledge base. Over the decade 2000 to 2010 the public perception of science has dramatically improved and the number of students choosing science and science-related careers has greatly increased from the numbers reported in the late 1990's.

Astronomy and astrophysics is one of the most accessible sciences to all people and thus has had a major influence in promoting science and technology throughout the 2000-2010 decade to both the New Zealand general public and students.

Major priorities, directions and outcomes that made our 2010 position possible

The strong position of New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics in 2010 was due to the astronomical sector setting goals in the late 1990's that ensured both the continuing strength of local research and an involvement in international, collaborative astronomy and astrophysics projects (both on-shore and off-shore) that broadened the existing research, knowledge and technology base.

We announce our sector's priorities, directions and outcomes and then reflect on the late 1990s status of astronomical research in New Zealand, recent reviews and reports on New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics directions, and summarise recent United States of America, Australian and OECD astronomy and astrophysics reviews.

Priorities and Directions to be taken in New Zealand:

The future of New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics depends critically on

To achieve the above critical items we provide the following detail, with supporting arguments, which the astronomy and astrophysics sector must undertake.

New Zealand Outcomes from these new Directions

The status of astronomical research in New Zealand in 1998

Research Institutes and the current staffing levels. Astronomy and astrophysics research is carried out at the Universities of Auckland, Waikato, Canterbury and at Victoria University, the Central Institute of Technology, the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences and the Carter Observatory. In 1998 there are 17 researchers with Ph.D.s (listed in Appendix A) of whom 9 have positions that are tenured or permanent.

Observing Facilities. Mount John University Observatory is the only professional observing facility in New Zealand, and comprises a 1m and two 0.6m telescopes. The unique geographical properties of the site support involvement in time-series monitoring programs of variable objects and in observational programs of nearby objects in the richly populated southern sky (Magellanic Clouds, Galactic Centre, major globular clusters, numerous star formation regions, open clusters). The site's photometric qualities are average by the best world standards. Whilst absolute photometric work can be difficult to achieve (20% of nights in 1992-1997 were photometric, Hearnshaw 1998), MJUO is successfully used for differential photometry and spectroscopy of stellar objects (Stars in a Cluster 1996) and the telescopes are oversubscribed. The combination of average photometric and image qualities means that the MJUO site is limited to hosting only small- to medium-sized telescopes. MJUO is, and will remain, the best optical observing facility in New Zealand. It provides much needed research opportunities for astronomers, and training for both graduate and undergraduate students.

Instruments in use and under construction. The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Canterbury has headed MJUO instrumentation design and fabrication efforts (see detailed summaries in Appendix B1).

Existing Research: At the end of the 1990's numerous research projects were either underway or proposed (see detailed summaries in Appendix B2).

Recent New Zealand reviews

A report (Davis 1993) was prepared for the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FoRST) to provide an independent assessment of New Zealand's capability for research in astronomy and to provide a critique of another review of New Zealand astronomy (Liley 1993) prepared for MoRST and FoRST. Six recommendations were made by Davis (parts of two recommendations suggested the closure of Black Birch Observatory and this has occurred) and those still relevant to New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics are:

FoRST responded to the Davis report in its "Research Strategy for the Public Good Science Fund 1993/4 to 1997/8 - Space and Fundamental Knowledge, September 1993" (Hammond 1993) report. Annex C responds to the Davis recommendations, and it lists the following:

Response from the New Zealand sector:

In the 5 years since these New Zealand reviews, funding opportunities for astronomy and astrophysics have changed dramatically. The Marsden Fund is now the sole national funding source available for research in astronomy and astrophysics. However, the Marsden Fund does not provide funding for capital expenditure, severely limiting the scope of proposals.

Following the Davis report recommendations the New Zealand sector will continue to monitor developments in Antarctic astronomy, and will encourage new approaches to the Australian VLBI community.

Comparison with international directions

New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics research aspirations should recognize and, where appropriate, be aligned with other countries' research visions and directions. We summarize recent United States of America (Appendix C1), Australian (Appendix C2) and OECD (Appendix C3) astronomy and astrophysics reviews, although many of the recommendations also apply to the United Kingdom, South African, Japanese and European astronomy community directions due to their instigation or membership of large telescope projects (eg. Gemini, ESO-VLT, SALT, Subaru), new technology instrumentation programs, strengthening of graduate programs and improved public outreach programs.

Response from the New Zealand sector to the United States review:

Whilst New Zealand does not have the capability to instigate large scale astronomical observatories, such facilities (eg. Gemini, Hubble Space Telescope, Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility) are and will be available to New Zealand astronomers and their collaborators via an international peer review process.

Response from the New Zealand sector to the Australian review:

The New Zealand sector is proposing many similar initiatives to those of the Australian astronomical community. These include a proposal to join the SALT project, the instigation of a Summer School for graduates, and improved public outreach.

Response from the New Zealand sector to the OECD review:

Based on the OECD research budget comparisons, the past excellent academic record of New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics is even more remarkable. However, these statistics highlight the present untenably low number of researchers and poor funding situation that exists in New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics.

New and improved competencies that enabled astronomy and astrophysics to reach these outcomes.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Sector:



The investments needed to achieve these outcomes.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Sector:




The New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics sector has identified priorities and directions that the government, supporting industries and the sector itself must adopt in order for New Zealand astronomy and astrophysics to achieve a strong position in 2010.

These main priorities and directions are:

31st October, 1998

Appendix A: New Zealand Astronomy and Astrophysics Sector.

Sector Strategy Editors:

Sector Strategy Authors:

Acknowledgements: G.M. and P.C. would like to thank Garry Nankivell for supplying background information on optical design and construction.

International Appointments:

Appendix B1: Instruments in use and under construction.

Appendix B2: Detailed Summaries of Research.

  • National

  • University of Canterbury

  • Victoria University of Wellington

  • University of Auckland

  • Carter Observatory

    Appendix C: Comparison with International directions

    Appendix C1: United States of America astronomy

    The United States of America regularly reviews its astronomical research goals. The last major review, commonly referred to as the "Bahcall Report" ("The Decade of Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics 1991) recommended in its Large Program section, the construction of 2 8m ground-based telescopes. These telescopes, known now as Gemini-North (Mauna Kea, Hawaii) and Gemini-South (Cerro Pachon, Chile) are now built and are expecting first light observations shortly.

    In September 1993 the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), a U.S. organisation, appointed the HST and Beyond Committee "to study possible missions and programs for Ultraviolet-Optical-Infrared astronomy in space for the first decades of the 21st century". The Committee in its 1996 report (Exploration and the Search for Origins 1996) identified two major goals,

    The Committee recommended the following programs for the years 2005 and beyond:

    The Committee also recognized the increased importance of scientists to "explain their motivations, goals, and results to the society that supports their research."

    The U.S. astronomical community is progressing very quickly towards recommendation 2) above, as reflected by the completed feasibilty study (Next Generation Space Telescope 1997) that describes a large aperture space telescope that could be in orbit as early as 2005.

    Appendix C2: Australian astronomy

    The Australian astronomy community has also identified future research strategies in the National Committee for Astronomy review, Australian Astronomy: Beyond 2000 (1995). The major recommendations that have implications for New Zealand future directions are,

    Appendix C3: OECD astronomy

    Van der Kruit (1994) produced a review of astronomy funding for fiscal 1993 in 15 member countries of the OECD. The fifteen OECD countries did not include New Zealand but did include countries of similar population bases. The study is summarized by the following four results. We list the appropriate statistic for the 15 OECD countries, the 4 OECD countries of similar population to New Zealand (Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland), and for New Zealand alone (in bold face), respectively.

    In 1993 9 full-time astronomers worked in New Zealand and the total population was 3.48 million (New Zealand Official 1997 Yearbook). In 1998 New Zealand has 17 full-time astronomers whilst the population is approximately 3.8 million, however the comparisons given above are still representative of the relative levels of astronomy funding in 1998.

    These comparisons show that in every case New Zealand is well below the OECD average. In particular, when comparing the New Zealand funding situation to the 4 OECD countries of similar populations, the most favourable comparison is that New Zealand has a factor of 3.2 less astronomy researchers per head of population. The worst comparison is that New Zealand spends a factor of 14.9 less in astronomy research funding per head of population.

    We assume that NZ$M1.45 was spent on astronomy in New Zealand in 1993 (Liley 1993), that NZ$1 = US$0.54, being the average conversion rate for 1993 from the Bank of New Zealand and that the GNP of New Zealand for 1993 was NZ$M71,362 (New Zealand Official 1997 Yearbook).

    Appendix D: Acronym List.

    AAT - Anglo-Australian Telescope

    ASA - Astronomical Society of Australia

    ATCA - Australia Telescope Compact Array

    CCD - Charge Coupled Device

    ESO-VLT - European Southern Observatory - Very Large Telescope

    FoRST - Foundation for Research, Science and Technology

    HRS - High Resolution Spectrograph

    HST - Hubble Space Telescope

    MJUO - Mount John University Observatory

    MOA - Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics

    MoRST - Ministry of Research, Science and Technology

    RASNZ - Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand

    SALT - Southern African Large Telescope

    VLBI - Very Long Baseline Interferometry

    VUW - Victoria University of Wellington

    WET - Whole Earth Telescope

    WWW - World Wide Web

    Appendix E: WWW links.

    This Document -


    Cover page

    Cover page images, from left to right, and top to bottom: Artists impression of SALT at the Sutherland Observatory, South Africa; New Zealand Flag; The McLellan 1m telescope at MJUO; Eta Carina as observed by the MOA CCD camera at MJUO; Artists impression of the Next Generation Space Telescope; HST image of the nucleus of NGC4261, showing a large dusty disk and a bright nuclear region; HST image of Beta Pictoris showing a proto-solar system dust region; CCD image of 47 Tucanae, a luminous southern sky globular cluster.

    Institutions, Departments -

    University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy - Astronomy

    Carter Observatory

    Victoria University Wellington - Physics

    University of Auckland - Division of Science and Technology

    Auckland Observatory

    Committees -

    Standing Committee on Astronomical Sciences (SCAS) - Royal Society of New Zealand


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    Last updated: 31-Oct.-1998