Chris Fluke's Place on the Web: Curriculum Vitae

Contact Details
Dr Christopher Fluke
Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing
Swinburne University of Technology
Mail H39
PO Box 218
VIC 3122 Australia
Phone:+61 (0)3 9214 5828
Fax: +61 (0)3 9214 8797
E-mail: cfluke _at_
Employment and Education
2008Professional Certificate in Learning & Teaching Swinburne University of Techology
2004-Astronomer (Senior Lecturer) Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing
Swinburne University of Technology
1999-2004Commercial Team Manager (Swinburne Spaceworks) Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing
Swinburne University of Technology
1996-1999Doctor of Philosophy Astrophysics Group, School of Physics
The University of Melbourne
1991-1995Bachelor of Science (Honours) The University of Melbourne

Publications link.
To find many of these papers within the NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), use this link.
Sorted by citations on ADS (incomplete), use this link.

Grants and Awards
Year Scheme Project Title Investigators
2007 Dean's Collaborative Grants Scheme Interactive Visualisation as a Tool for Computational Drug Design Fluke, Wang
2007 VPAC E-Research Grant Modelling Star Formation and Supernova Feedback in Massively Parallel Cosmological Simulations Fluke,Bailin,Power
2006-2010 ARC Discovery Project The Commonwealth Cosmology Initiative Gibson, Rees, Efstathiou, Silk, Lewis, Sutherland, Kawata & Fluke
2005 Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Entrepreneurship Swinburne Spaceworks Team: for their outstanding entrepreneurial projects in developing innovative technologies for creating and presenting public education activities. Bourke, Fluke, Hallein, Jameson & Scott
2005 Swinburne Researcher Development Grant Searching for a Flexed Galaxy: a Pilot Study on Weak Gravitational Lensing at mm Wavelengths Fluke & Maddison
2004 Swinburne Researcher Development Grant Future Directions in Astronomy Visualisation Fluke & Bourke
2003 Swinburne Industy
Synergy Grant
Design of a Digital Stereoscopic Video Camera for Sports Coaching and Evaluation Fluke, Bourke & Morgan (VIS)
2002 Ian Potter Foundation The Classroom of the Future Forbes & Fluke
2002 VPAC Education Program Exploring a Virtual Milky Way Forbes & Fluke
2002 DEET/Victorian State Government Astronomy for students in the Middle Years Brandt, Maddison & Fluke
2000 Department of Innovation, Industry & Regional Development Victoria Fellowship Fluke