Dr. Jielai Zhang
I am interested in developing techniques to see the Universe in a way that hasn't been seen before.
During my PhD, I helped develop a telescope that could see the faintest parts of galaxies never before seen, the Dragonfly Telephoto Array (https://www.dragonflytelescope.org). I led the development of the Dragonfly Pipeline. Using Dragonfly, our small team of four discovered a new class of galaxies that are very fluffy and faint, which our team named Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies.
I believe that doing things in new ways means getting inspiration from unusual places. After my PhD, I took on a Schmidt Science Fellowship (https://schmidtsciencefellows.org) at the University of Oxford working with the Noble group, and the NeuroImage group (http://users.ox.ac.uk/~some2959/index.html) at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. There I learned how to use Machine Learning techniques for image analysis, and studied fetal brains.
I am now applying my skills to studying what the Universe looks like in time, on timescales that are under-explored: not just weeks, but days, hours, minutes, seconds and less. I do this as part of the Deeper Wider Faster Program (http://www.dwfprogram.altervista.org), and also via followup observations of gravitational wave events as part of OzGrav (https://www.ozgrav.org/).
Phone | +613 9214 8406 | |
Office | AR 208B | |
Personal Webpage | bit.ly/jielaizhang |