JPG or GIF image (click for full resolution) | Other formats | Description/caption | Credit information |
B0218_Merlin.eps | MERLIN radio contour map (Biggs et al. 2001) of the quasar we studied, called B0218+367, which lies about 7.5 billion light years away. The galaxy containing absorbing ammonia molecules lies about 6 billion light years away and, though it is not seen in this radio map, gravitationally lenses the background quasar light to produce two bright quasar images on the sky (big red circles). The alignment of the lensing (and absorbing) galaxy is such that it also produces a so-called "Einstein ring" of quasar light (the larger, less bright, circular shape). The molecules we study are only observed along the line of sight towards the lower right quasar image. The physical size of the image (at the distance of the absorbing galaxy) is about 19,000 light years across. | Andy Biggs | |
B0218A_global.eps | Very high resolution radio map of the only lensed quasar image towards which molecular absorption occurs (Biggs et al. 2003). For comparison with the much larger scale image above, this image is "only" 600 light years across (again, at the distance of the absorbing galaxy). In this image we see the actual structure of the quasar's radio light emitting regions. We see a core (compact red region) and a knotty structure extending away from it to the left - this is a jet of radio emitting material being ejected from the quasar core. It is thought that the molecular absorption only occurs along the sight-line to the quasar core. | Andy Biggs | |
None | The IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer | Sébastien Muller | |
None | The IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer | Sébastien Muller | |
None | The Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope | Norbert Junkes | |
None | The Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope | Norbert Junkes | |
None | The Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie | |
None | Observing molecular absorption in distant galaxies using the light of bright, background quasars. As light from the quasar travels to Earth, the Universe continues to expand, stretching the light's wavelength (it gets redder the longer it travels). In our observations, the light is also gravitationally lensed (its path is bent) as it passes through an intervening galaxy; when a radio map of the field is made, two quasar images appear. However, the molecular absorption clouds are only along the line of sight to one image. Furthermore, when very high resolution images are made of that quasar image, some structure is evident - a core (the brightest part of the image) and a knotty jet extending away from the quasar core. It's only towards the quasar core that molecular absorption is thought to occur. | As on image Telescope: S. Muller Radio insets: A. Biggs Intervening galaxy: NASA, ESA, STScI & W. Keel. Quasar: NASA, ESA, STScI & E. Beckwith. |
None | As above | On image | |
None | As above | Telescope: S. Muller Radio insets: A. Biggs Intervening galaxy: NASA, ESA, STScI & W. Keel. Quasar: NASA, ESA, STScI & E. Beckwith. |
None | As above | On image | |
None | As above | Telescope: S. Muller Radio insets: A. Biggs Intervening galaxy: NASA, ESA, STScI & W. Keel. Quasar: NASA, ESA, STScI & E. Beckwith. |
None | As above | Telescope: S. Muller Radio insets: A. Biggs Intervening galaxy: NASA, ESA, STScI & W. Keel. Quasar: NASA, ESA, STScI & E. Beckwith. |
None | As above | On image | |
None | As above | Telescope: N. Junkes Radio insets: A. Biggs Intervening galaxy: NASA, ESA, STScI & W. Keel. Quasar: NASA, ESA, STScI & E. Beckwith. |
None | As above | On image | |
None | As above | Telescope: N. Junkes Radio insets: A. Biggs Intervening galaxy: NASA, ESA, STScI & W. Keel. Quasar: NASA, ESA, STScI & E. Beckwith. |
None | As above | Telescope: N. Junkes Radio insets: A. Biggs Intervening galaxy: NASA, ESA, STScI & W. Keel. Quasar: NASA, ESA, STScI & E. Beckwith. |
None | As above | On image |
JPG or GIF image (click for full resolution) | Other formats | Description/caption |
fit08_all_vmu.eps | Figure 1: Spectra of the molecular transitions used in this study registered to a heliocentric velocity scale centered on z=0.68466. The nominal observed frequencies are noted in each panel. The data, normalized by fits to their continua, are plotted as black histograms. Tick-marks above the spectra show the positions of velocity components in our fiducial 8-component fit (solid line following the data). Note that the HCN and NH3 transitions have complex hyperfine structure reflected in each velocity component; the tick marks show the position of the strongest hyperfine component in LTE. Residuals between the fit and data, normalized by the (constant) error array, are plotted above the spectra, bracketed by horizontal lines representing the +/- 1σ level. The fit contains 57 free parameters: an optical depth for each component in each transition (5x8 parameters) plus a Doppler width and redshift for each component (8+8 parameters) and a single value of Δμ/μ. The fitted line parameters are tabulated in the Supporting Online Material. | |
da_vs_Ncomp.eps | Figure 2: Variation in Δμ/μ and χ2 per degree of freedom, χ2ν, of different velocity structures characterized by the number of fitted absorption components. χ2ν is defined as χ2/ν=ΣNdj[dj-m(j)]/σ2j for dj the jth data value with variance σ2j and model value m(j). The sum is over all Nd=223 data points; ν=Nd-Npar for Npar free model parameters. Our fiducial 8-component (Npar=57) result is highlighted with square points. Different components were added/removed to/from the fiducial fit to form each initial velocity structure and VPFIT was run again to minimize χ2 by varying all free parameters. Two different initial fits with 6 components and three fits with 7 components were possible; the different results are offset in the plot for clarity in these cases. Large χ2ν values for <=6 components indicate that those fits are not statistically acceptable. Of the remaining fits, the 8-component fit has the lowest χ2ν. Note that the 9-component fit has a smaller χ2 (because more parameters are being fitted) but a marginally higher χ2ν, indicating that it is less statistically preferred than the 8-component fit. Only statistical error bars on Δμ/μ are shown; see text for discussion about systematic errors. | |
chisq_vs_da.eps | Figure S1: χ2 curve for the fiducial 8-component model fit. Note its (required) smoothness and (expected) near-parabolic shape. The right-hand vertical scale shows χ2ν which takes a minimum value of χ2ν,min=1.07125. The left-hand vertical scale shows Δχ2/χ2ν,min, thereby allowing the 1-σ error in Δμ/μ to be immediately read off the graph (dotted black lines). In practice, we measured the position at which χ2 takes its minimum and the curve's width by fitting a parabola to the central points; the fit, marked by the black solid line, demonstrates how close to parabolic that part of the curve is. The black circle and error-bar represent the result from this fit, Δμ/μ=(+0.75 +/- 0.45)x10-6, which closely matches our fiducial value represented by the red/grey square and error-bar. | |
fit04-3478_all_vmu.eps fit05-348_all_vmu.eps fit06-34_all_vmu.eps fit06-48_all_vmu.eps fit07-3_all_vmu.eps fit07-4_all_vmu.eps fit07-8_all_vmu.eps fit09+9_all_vmu.eps |
Figure S2: The different velocity structures attempted in search of the statistically preferred one. The values of Δμ/μ and χ2ν corresponding to each fit are represented by the black points in Fig. 2. Components were removed/added from/to the fiducial fit to form each initial velocity structure and VPFIT was run again to minimize χ2. For the 9-component model, the additional component was added redwards of all other components. The residual spectra show how poor the fits are with <=6 components. | |
compfit_rot.eps | Figure S3: Independent fits to the two rotational transitions studied here. Layout similar to Fig. 1. The data, tick-marks and residuals for HCN(1-2), marked in lighter grey lines, are offset below those for HCO+ for clarity. The formal 1-σ statistical error in the redshift of each component (converted to velocity) is represented by the horizontal bars across the tick marks. The error bar for each component is plotted higher than the one to its left for clarity. There is broad agreement between the positions of the velocity components. The bluest component in HCN(1-2) is not statistically required by the HCO+(1-2) data alone, similar to the simultaneous fit in Fig. 1. |