SAO Newsgroups with Blackboard Browser Mode

  • To see the Flash animation of how to use the Blackboard browser mode, click here

  • Follow the link to Newsgroups from your Blackboard unit menu, which will take you to the browser newsgroup page.

    Note: SAO refers to its newsgroups as "Newsgroups (NGs)" whereas Blackboard refers to "Discussion Boards". 

    Here you'll see the full list of newsgroups (Blackboards calls individual newsgroups "Forums") for your unit. These will be something like AST800XX Test Messages, AST800XX Introductions, AST800XX Weeks 01 and 02, etc) and so on down the page. Be careful if your unit has A and B streams (you will be assigned to one stream). Follow the link to the newsgroup you wish to access, e.g. AST80004 Test Messages:
  • As Blackboard tends to update/change its architecture quite often, we provide the latest instruction video from Blackboard here: